Getting ready for the new academic year ahead

With teachers all over the country starting to think about returning to school in September, it is a good time for them to start to think about how they may want to start your year and if there is any changes they wish to make. IF you are a teacher and are going to be having a new class when you return in September then this is the perfect opportunity to have a fresh start and implement changes if needed. It may be that certain ways you taught last year did not have the effect you wanted them to or... Read More »

Creating beautiful and creative classroom displays

As a teacher you want your classroom to be a bright and creative space where children can really get involved in the current topic you are teaching. Usually teachers are responsible for creating classroom displays based around themes and topics that the students are currently studying. This is a great way to allow children to constantly be reminded of work they have recently covered. Thinking of new and exciting ways to display this information can become a challenge but luckily there are many helpful resources online to help teachers transform the classroom in this way. For some teachers, the display... Read More »

Teaching advice for the newbie

If you have recently qualified as a teacher and are starting your first teaching job then you will most probably feel very anxious and worried. Many teachers worry if they are going to be able to control the classroom and help students learn and get to the level they need to. This is a common concern and will a few little bits of advice, you can soon put those worries to bed. As with any time you meet someone new, the first few minutes will make an impression that lasts a lifetime. You do not need to be really hard... Read More »

Putting together an assembly for parents

As a teacher you may have the responsibility of putting together an assembly for the parents and/or carers of the children to come and watch. When creating your assembly you need to consider the age of the children and how they may react to the situation. If it is a reception class for example then you need to make sure that they do not have too many lines to remember and that you are on hand to prompt them should they get stuck. Children often like showing work that they have created so adding in a section where they can... Read More »

Managing your time in the classroom

As a teacher, you will already be aware of how precious your time is. When planning lessons you may not be able to estimate how much time you will need to spend explaining the task, as some children may need a little more help in understanding what they need to do.  In this situation it is advisable to give all the children a good understanding of what is required of them and then spend a little bit of extra time with a smaller group of children or on a one to one basis with those that need a little extra... Read More »