Home-school radicalisation risk

Home-schooling is on the rise in the UK, with many parents feeling dissatisfied with the schools available to them in their area. Whether their concerns are well founded is up for debate, but there’s no reason to think that a responsible parent can’t do a great job of teaching their child. Parents must undergo checks to show that the child’s welfare is not at risk but the government is looking to clamp down on home-schooling amid fears of radicalisation, particularly at some Islamic madrasas, some of which have been found to be teaching homophobic and misogynistic ideas and anti-Semitism.

There are an estimated 20,000 to 50,000 children being home-schooled in the UK, but the exact figure is unknown. A senior government source was quoted as saying “For every parent doing a brilliant job, there may be someone filling their child’s mind with poison. We just don’t know. We don’t have reliable figures.”