Getting your child involved in after school clubs

When your child is at school you may find, especially after the first year or so, they are asked if they would like to join any afterschool clubs. These clubs often range from sports to crafts to cookery and can be a great way for your child to learn in a different way to what they would in a classroom. After school clubs are often less formal and relaxed than a normal school day.

Often the issue with after-school clubs is the cost, especially if you have more than one child to send. These clubs can often be around five pounds per child per week, which can very quickly add up. It is worth checking as some clubs that are run after school are free or cost a lot less or you might find a club that is not linked to the school that charges less. The other issue is timing, if for example, you want your child to do swimming but have t travel a bit to go to a club, you may struggle to get there on a weeknight and have to enrol on a Saturday. For some parents, this can be a pain as the weekend may be the only time when they have free to do food shops, go on days out or generally have a good clean up. Extra curriculum activities are very helpful to many children but try not to get them involved in too many different things at once or they may end up losing interest.