Organising statutory testing in a small primary school

Whichever sort of school you find yourself in as a teacher whether it be a large inner-city school with hundreds of pupils or a small rural school with possibly only forty pupils on roll one thing is certain the pupils in that school will have to undertake statutory testing at some point in the year. Whether you agree with the testing regime or not it is part of your role as a teacher to carry out these tests and submit the assessments to the government.

In a small primary school, l there may only be a small number of children in the cohort who are sitting the tests so therefore the rest of the mixed-age class will need to be accommodated and taught. As staffing is sometimes an issue this needs careful planning in advance of the tests to ensure a teacher or teaching assistant is available and a teaching space is free.

Before administering the tests, it is sensible to hold a meeting with parents to answer any questions they may have and allay any fears concerning the administration of the tests. It also gives the teacher the opportunity to give parents ideas on how their children can be better prepared.

Although having to sit compulsory tests of any sort can be an anxious time for pupils, in a small primary school setting the children may have more opportunity to discuss their concerns and fears thus reducing their anxiety.